Pivots and the Multiverse

Aurora Winter

Podcast Episode 233

This guest was on our show back in July of 2021 and I was so excited to have her back! Not just because I get the scoop on everything she is up to but because she always makes me stop and think. Not to mention we laugh together a lot!

Today we talk about pivoting, publishing and multiverses. 

Make sure that you listen right to the end so you can do the 90 day challenge Aurora made along with me! 

Who is Aurora?

Aurora Winter combines the best of Silicon Valley with the best of Hollywood. Using her expertise in film and neuroscience, she helps people tell memorable stories that build brands, books, and businesses.

Experts turn their words into wealth. Aurora will share how your audience can increase their income, impact, and influence with the right words. Great leaders are great storytellers. A leader who is a published author and a powerful public speaker has a huge advantage in marketing, sales, and advertising. Aurora trains people to create a clear, concise, compelling message.

A sought-after speaker and expert, Aurora is frequently featured in the media, including ABC TV, CBS TV, KTLA TV, Success magazine, Elle magazine, and Oprah Radio. She is the author of a half-dozen books including "Turn Words Into Wealth: Blueprint for Your Business, Brand, and Book" which won "Outstanding Nonfiction Book of the Year" in 2022. Her new fantasy series "Magic, Mystery and the Multiverse" won the Readers' Choice Award, Best Teen Book in 2023 and the next books in the series will soon be launched on Kickstarter. 

Aurora loves to help her clients create award-winning books worth talking about at www.SamePagePublishing.com. She believes in the power of books to make our world a better place.

To connect with Aurora further:





Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aurorafantasybooks/

Don’t forget two things…

1 Follow her upcoming Kickstarter launch! There's no cost or obligation to follow.

Click here to join the fun!  

2 Don’t forget to keep Aurora and I posted on your 90 day challenge. 

Read every day. Doesn’t matter how long.

Write every day. Doesn’t matter how long 

Review once a week. Look at what you wrote down and what you learned from your reading. 

What new things are you noticing?

What things are you now taking action on?

What is calling you forward?

…now go forth explore the multiverse and pivot!


Getting to the crocs of it


From Stressed to Blissed in Seconds