Getting to the crocs of it
Tanya Fox
Podcast Episode 234
If you know anything about me it is that the word collaboration is something that will make my head turn. It’s just an intriguing word to me, ever since I learned how to use it to grow profits in my business.
Over the years I have loved watching some of the big players push boundaries to work together. I find it quite inspiring for ideas in my own company.
These are the things I want to share with you. What some of the greats did and how you can use their examples in your own business, no matter what level you are at.
This week I look at some of the coauthor collaborations that Crocs did that helped set them onto new roads and maps.
I am also going to give you some ideas on how you can take these examples and generate some ideas for your own business. Unless you have phone numbers for some of the people I mention, then by all means use try those first!
Don’t forget …
There will always be someone who cannot see your worth. Never let that person be you!
When doing collaborations, judge people on how good their good ideas are, not how bad the bad ones are.