The Weights You Carry
Susan Gold
Podcast Episode 204
Are your days a rush, full of constant activity?
Do you feel like there is no time to stop and stand still?
My guest today Susan Gold, talks to us about how she was not living the life she wanted but didn’t even know it.
She takes us through how a note passed to her changed how complicated she makes things and how she learns to slow down.
Who is Susan?
Transforming trauma into a gift takes a unique perspective. Prevailing through a challenging family dynamic, Susan left the morning after high school graduation and rarely looked back.
She made a name for herself attaching celebrities to brands eventually making it from NYC to LA producing for television and film.
Her new book: Toxic Family: Transforming Childhood Trauma into Adult Freedom is the trajectory of her journey.
To connect with Susan further:
Before you go…
Don’t forget to head to her website to get your 15 minute conversation to connect and share experience and challenges.