Do you need a Plan B?
Jan Cavelle
Podcast Episode 184
Jan sits down with me to talk about having a Plan B.
I know in business that many think, Plan B? I’m still trying to work out my Plan A!!
Jan talks about her journey in selling her business and the hard lessons that she learned along the way, how to create your plan B and if it is ok to leave your current business.
Here is a little more background:
Jan is a multi-award winning entrepreneur from the UK who has a few decades of running micro and small businesses behind her. She is very familiar with all the challenges that go with that, having started one from the kitchen table as a single mother with two young children, and overcome the obstacles to go on to build that into a multi-million turnover business.
She has always been passionate to encourage and support other entrepreneurs and has been involved in many campaigns with a view to that. She was chosen as one of the first 50 women to represent the UK in the European Union on one of these.
Jan put her entrepreneurial experiences together with her passion for writing together for her first book, aimed at helping entrepreneurs to grow their businesses during the big leap of 1-10m. Scale for Success and has been published by Bloomsbury, and is receiving glowing reviews.
Start for Success is due out January 25th 2023 but available to pre-order from 3rd.