Connection to Self

Stephanie Riel

Podcast Episode 239

Have you ever been looking at your work and thinking, “I should be happy” but just aren’t? 

Have you wondered, “Is this right for me?”

Have you ever felt like you are always chasing but never catching?

Have you ever wondered why your profits keep stalemating on you?

My guest today is Stephanie Riel and she is going to help you get to the bottom of these questions, give you simple techniques to start using immediately to communicate with yourself better, more often and in turn help you to become more productive and thus more profitable.

Who is Stephanie?

Stephanie Riel is a 14-year entrepreneur, investor, speaker, branding consultant to 6-and-7-figure businesses turned holistic business mentor,  healer and ​energetics guide.

This former marketing agency owner and branding expert took her own life from Burnout to Bliss™ . She’s passionate about helping others tap into their intuition, refresh their energy and Rebrand Your Life™ (or business)!

Stephanie fell in love with sound healing, energetics, ​frequency and mediation on her own healing journey. In her personal time she's either making matcha, traveling or spending time with her pup, Teddy the schnoodle.

To connect with Stephanie further:

Website - 

Instagram - 


Don’t forget …

Everyone deserves to take time to rest. Do not make someone else’s urgency become your emergency. No is a complete sentence.

…now go and take some time to et to know yourself better!


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