Reset Your Financial Thermostat

Pericles Rellas

Podcast Episode 248

Your relationship with money is in trouble!

Fear not, my guest today is going to help you to understand why you are stuck, how to get unstuck and why having a new powerful relationship with money is going to change EVERYTHING. 

Pericles Rellas is a Money Mindset Expert who explains how money flows, how to read your financial thermostat and how to reset it. 

With just a few simple steps you can start to build the healthiest relationship you’ve ever had and best of all you can start right away, just tune in to this episode and be sure to grab a pen and paper (you’ll need it for all the amazing advice!)

PS. I did go right away and changed the name away from emergency to wealth! (It will make sense at the end of the episode) I look forward to hearing what the first thing was that you changed in your money story.

Who is Pericles?

Money Mindset Expert. Pericles Rellas helps people create a healthy relationship with money and themselves by creating a powerful Money Mindset  so they can live lives of joy and fulfillment.

About 25 years ago he noticed that his coaching clients exhibited similar patterns around money. Regardless of how much more they made, their situation and experience around money stayed the same - stress, anxiety, overwhelm and treading water, being behind or just being stuck.

He knew there had to be something more to this so he decided to study it. Over the next two years he discovered two things.

First, is that we all have a Financial Thermostat setting (or Money Mindset). This setting determines how much we can earn and keep as well as our thoughts, feelings and emotions around money.

Second was the 4 keys to resetting our Financial Thermostat so that money can flow more easily and abundantly in our lives while we experience a better relationship with money and consequently ourselves.

It's not about just making more money - it’s about resetting your Financial Thermostat.

To connect with Pericles further:






Don’t forget …

You get to decide on the relationship you want to have with your money. It’s time to stop living a life of fluctuating temperatures

…now go and reset your financial thermostat!


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