Death then life
Jodi Wellman
Podcast Episode 193
Seems like a loaded topic to talk about but it is really more than just the two sides. What about all the in between stuff?
That is why I wanted to have Jodi on my show. We talk about all the in between and ways that you can use “the end” to encourage and motivate you to make the between the best experiences.
Comment on our social media and let me know how many Mondays you’re working with!
Who is Jodi?
Jodi Wellman is a leading authority on living lives worth living. As a speaker and facilitator, she helps her clients live squander-free lives while they’re lucky enough to still be above ground — while cleverly beginning with the “big end” in mind. She named her business Four Thousand Mondays because it shines the light on the finite number of weeks we have to live like we mean it. Jodi holds a Master’s of Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania, where she is also an Assistant Instructor. As a certified coach with 25 years of corporate leadership experience, she helps executives, teams, and high performers work well and live even better.
My favorite quote of hers:
Remembering you must die can be what you need to learn how to make your life better.
To connect with Jodi further:
Before you go…
Go to Jodi’s website to complete her "How Alive (or Dead) Are You" quiz, which will then give you access to her "Guide to Being Astonishingly Alive"
To find some things to make your day check out
National eat something on a stick day is March 28
Don’t forget her challenge to write down 30 things that make you happy!