How to Achieve Your Goals
Liam Naden
Podcast Episode 158
If you ever feel like the more successful you are the more problems you have, or if you feel like you are always struggling to meet your goals you are going to want to tune in.
Think of this.
We take the time to learn how to use a computer or a vehicle because they can be complex and the more you know how to use them the easier it is and quicker you can complete tasks. Why don’t we do this with our brains, the most complex organ we have access to!
Our guest today Liam Naden talks about rebalancing the way you are using this tool to get rid of fear and problems and create the life you have always wanted. He is also going to tell you why your goals list may be the very thing holding you back.
How setting goals may be holding you back from the life you are supposed to live.
How you using your brain properly can be freeing
And how to let go of fear
Here is a little more background:
Speaker, teacher, writer and researcher Liam Naden helps you understand the process for creating true success in your life by understanding how to use your brain the right way - overcoming your problems, achieving your goals and ending frustrations. He is the host of the podcast: "Using Your Brain for Success", author of "Re-Balancing Your Brain for Success" and creator of Neuro-State Rebalancing (NSR), a process which automatically gets your brain working the right way to bring you the life you want.
Liam is also an experienced marriage and relationships coach, host of the "Growing in Love for Life" podcast, author of more than 20 books and creator of 4 relationships coaching programs.
To connect with Liam further:
Tune into my favorite episodes of Liam’s
My cousin is going through a rough time in her marriage and when I heard this episode I sent her the link right away.
I think the title of this one says it all: How to Achieve Your Goals 100% of the time - Guaranteed