Small Business Television
David Van Beekum
Podcast Episode 213
Marketing is a loaded topic for lots of small business owners. They want to create commercials and large advertising spots but budget wise they just are hard to manage. Dave was seeing this issue as well so he and his co-founder decided to change this by creating a social TV network for businesses to be able to play the game without all the high costs.
Like any business it was not without its struggles, biggest one being his co-founder passing away. Dave had to learn how to now step out of all his comfort zones and keep the vision growing.
Dave sits down to tell us how he continues to overcome this struggle and more about what the world’s first social TV network is all about and how it can benefit small businesses no matter if you are urban or rural!
Who is Dave?
Dave, the Co-Founder & Creator of tweva, the world's first social TV network for small businesses and influencers. A digital marketing guru, startup enthusiast, and tech expert, Dave is a man of many talents.
Despite being more of an introvert, Dave has been a driving force behind tweva's success, working tirelessly on software development, databases, automation, 3D printing, robots, and AI. But it wasn't until recently, when one of his co-founders passed away, that Dave realized it was time to step out of his comfort zone and share his wealth of knowledge with others.
Balancing the challenges of running a startup with a family, Dave is currently focused on securing a 2.2 million dollar investment for tweva while simultaneously driving traction with local businesses on the platform. It's a tough balancing act, but Dave's passion for helping small businesses succeed is unwavering.
When he's not revolutionizing the social TV space, Dave enjoys spending time with his wife and kids in sunny Florida. And if you can't find him there, chances are he's locked himself in his air-conditioned office, dreaming up new ways to change the world of digital marketing.